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deploying kubernetes cluster

Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster with orcharhino

This blog post is about an orcharhino feature called application-centric deployment (ACD), and describes the process of deploying a Kubernetes cluster with orcharhino. It allows administrators to create hosts based on application templates, and makes it easier to run multiple instances/versions of a complex application.
Mouse-Free ATIX blog


When I say I'm an IT consultant, what I really mean is that I've mastered Vim. All problems become so easy and quick to solve, because editing the files happens as if by magic. And in an emergency, even without a graphical user interface. Here are some tips that should make life and work with Vim easier for all readers.

Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible is known to be one of the most widely used automation tools. This is certainly also due to the relatively simple setup and use. Especially in very large environments, i.e. with a large number of users, a pure CLI setup quickly reaches its limits: Multi-tenancy, credential management, scheduling are just some of the points that require a very close look.
ATIX Great Place To Work 2022

The ATIX is a Great Place to Work

ATIX AG was awarded by the Great Place to Work® Institute as one of the best employers in the category Bavaria, small medium-sized businesses, and information and communication technology (ITK). This time we even won first place in the category ITK.
container building with kaniko

Container building with Kaniko

This blog article is about creating OCI-compatible container images. Besides the standard tools docker, buildah and podman you can also use Kaniko. We briefly explain here how to do that.

Automated Windows Patches with Ansible

As a specialist for Linux patch management, we are often asked whether we are also familiar with Windows patch management and whether we can provide an automated solution for this. The answer is pretty simple, YES we can. We have already built and implemented fully automated Windows patch management with Ansible for several customers.

orcharhino and Sophos – a malware trail search

The use of anti-virus and security software is a prerequisite in most infrastructure scenarios. This makes it all the more important to adapt them to the respective usage scenario. orcharhino as the central hub in the computing cluster is of particular importance.
kubeflow ATIX blog

Kubeflow at Home: AI and Kubernetes outside of Google & Co.

There are always new hot trends in the IT world: yesterday it was all about AI, ML and Data Science - today everything is running in containers. It's no wonder the two worlds are coming together: it is now possible to get Tensorflow-based AI environments running in a Kubernetes cluster. Possible, but not necessarily easy, as we learned.
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