About Daniel Meng

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Daniel Meng contributed 4 entries already.

Entries by Daniel Meng

Cloud-Ready with Go (Golang)

Digitization is a major topic these days. For example, more and more companies want to digitize and optimize their internal processes or services for customers. Often, they also have to keep up with the growing flow of customers by scaling their applications. In this context, the words cloud and Kubernetes often come up in the first conversation. There is no mention of a microservice-oriented or cloud-native development approach, for example with Golang.

Logging in Kubernetes with Fluent Bit and OpenSearch

Logging primarily serves us to log processes within a program. We expect this to lead, for example, to better auditing, a faster error analysis, and, as a result, more robust programming. Today, we want to show you how to persist and visualize logs in a meaningful way with the right tooling.