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orcharhino and Sophos – a malware trail search

The use of anti-virus and security software is a prerequisite in most infrastructure scenarios. This makes it all the more important to adapt them to the respective usage scenario. orcharhino as the central hub in the computing cluster is of particular importance.
kubeflow ATIX blog

Kubeflow at Home: AI and Kubernetes outside of Google & Co.

There are always new hot trends in the IT world: yesterday it was all about AI, ML and Data Science - today everything is running in containers. It's no wonder the two worlds are coming together: it is now possible to get Tensorflow-based AI environments running in a Kubernetes cluster. Possible, but not necessarily easy, as we learned.

DevOps Culture “without Bullshit”

Have you ever googled DevOps and tried to find an answer beyond bullshit bingo? No? Wonderful, then you've come to the right place. "Without bullshit" is, after all, exactly the buzzword we use to live DevOps for our customers and also for ourselves. And summarized in one sentence, it means: a mix of the right culture and the right tools.
CentOS 8-Alternativen

CentOS 8 alternatives

In December 2020, Red Hat announced a change in CentOS 8 product policy. In short, the Red Hat-sponsored CentOS 8 community will focus on CentOS Stream and phase out CentOS 8 Linux at the end of 2021. This started a broad discussion in the open source operating system community. Which CentOS 8 alternatives will you use?
Container Technologie beim IT-DLZ

Container Technology at IT-DLZ

At OSAD 2021, Matthias Kanzog from IT-DLZ Bayern gave an insight into the container technology used. "In order to be able to deploy applications faster and more flexibly in the future while ensuring data security, the IT DLZ decided to set up its own container operation." This is Matthias' answer to the "crucial question" about agility and flexibility in public authorities.

The Mystery of Container Images Demystified

Containers have been around much longer than Docker and Kubernetes. But these applications made them more well-known and also much more accessible. How you build an image for a container and also how it works at run time has been discussed many times; but what about the state in between? In order to best use and optimize container images in our daily work, we need to understand how they are built. Thus, the following article sheds light on the concept of OCI images.

orcharhino meets new Windows Templates

Starting with version 5.8 orcharhino comes with new provisioning templates for Windows. Diese erweitern die Vielfalt an Funktionen Ihrer Windows-Deployments beispielsweise um eine Installation in Netzen ohne DHCP und parametrisierten Domain Join.
docker training

Docker Alternatives

Docker has started a revolution with its easy access to Linux containers: Containerized applications, microservices, DevOps, GitOps, and Kubernetes are noticeably spreading. But then suddenly it says "Docker support in [kubernetes] is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release”. What does this mean for you and your work with containers? With Kubernetes? For starters, the good news is that you don't have to change much at all. This blog briefly outlines existing alternatives, categorizes them, and provides a brief example for developers.

ATIX @ CfgMgmt Camp 2020

Due to our great experiences in the last two years, a delegation of the ATIX crew traveled to the CfgMgmt Camp (Config Management Camp) in Gent this year, too. For ecological reasons, we renounced the plane and drove to Belgium in one car.

The Future of Ansible

The introduction of Collections is not the only recent major innovation in Ansible. Until version 2.8, Ansible was offered as one large package. This included a variety of modules developed and maintained by the Ansible community. The introduction of Collections happened as part of the release of version 2.9: a format for easy packaging and distribution of Ansible content. Collections significantly improved the possibilities for extensions as well as maintenance. The current major version is Ansible 3.0.0. ansible-base is not installed with it, but has become a dependency.

WTF is AIOps?

It is still unclear to many what artificial intelligence actually is in concrete terms. At the same time, it is and has often been discussed whether artificial intelligence poses a threat to humanity, especially after this topic is often associated with a scenario like in the Terminator series. But fundamentally, this technology is neither difficult to grasp nor an inherently dangerous one. As is so often the case, the decisive factor is in which context it is used.
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