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Test Ansible roles with Molecule

One of the advantages of the Configuration Management Tool Ansible is the easy-to-read-and-write code in YAML. This includes the possibility to test the code in an easy way.

orcharhino Appliance

The orcharhino Appliance for VMware is a preconfigured orcharhino that is already preinstalled in a virtual machine and can be adapted to your own needs with little effort. The appliance is based on a CentOS 7 Linux and comes as an OVA (open virtual appliance/open virtual archive) package.

OSAD 2019: Behind the Scenes of the Open Source Automation Days.

Monday, 14.10.2019, early morning at Hilton Munich Airport: after months of preparation, the Open Source Automation Days 2019 started—this year with one workshop day and two conference days. Going through the feedback from the 150 attendees, Munich's largest manufacturer-independent open-source conference was a complete success!

The Tentacles of orcharhino – Deploying with Many Subnets

Manually and individually setting up or deploying servers is a tedious task. But wait a minute—there’s orcharhino, which automates just that! With our data center automation tool, hosts can be configured, provisioned and deployed at the touch of a button.

orcharhino meets Windows (Windows Network Deploy)

Since Version 4.5.0, orcharhino also enables Windows installations. This means that in addition to numerous Linux derivatives, all newer Windows versions from “Server 2012” onward can be installed and managed with orcharhino.
Btrfs vs ZFS: Die Zukunft der Dateisysteme ATIX Blog

Docker Swarm: A herd of containers

Welcome to Docker Swarm! Containers thrive like pack animals in large numbers, but their distribution on the servers is crucial. Docker Swarm, which has been integrated into the Docker Engine since version 1.12, is ideal for this. Learn more about manager and worker nodes, service variants, load balancing and scalability. This is part 3 of our Docker/Rancher series, in which we look at the distributed environment of Docker Swarm.
Btrfs vs ZFS: Die Zukunft der Dateisysteme ATIX Blog

Btrfs vs ZFS: The future of file systems

Let's explore the evolution of file systems: Btrfs vs ZFS. Btrfs and ZFS are the "next generation" of file systems. But what does the technology offer us and what are the additional benefits? Here you can find out more about the new features of the new generation.
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