Webinar On-Demand

Container Platforms & Cloud Solutions

Transferring containers: portability with Docker and Podman

  • Efficient container porting and cross-platform use

Learn how to use containers flexibly on different platforms and make applications portable to increase independence and efficiency.

  • Practical strategies for improving the infrastructure

Discover methods to deploy applications faster, improve control over your infrastructure and future-proof it.

What will you learn in this container webinar?

We show you how you can efficiently port containers to other environments and deploy applications on different platforms.

  • What does container porting mean?
    We explain what it means to port a container from one platform to another and the challenges that can arise.

  • Using containers across platforms
    You will learn how you can also use containers on other platforms to achieve maximum flexibility.

  • Making applications portable
    Discover how you can design applications so that they can be easily run on different infrastructures.

Warum sollten Sie sich dieses DevOps-Webinar ansehen?

This webinar offers you valuable insights and concrete use cases that you can use immediately in your daily work. You will benefit from tried-and-tested knowledge and learn how to future-proof your container infrastructure.

  • More flexibility in the use of containers
    You will learn how to use your containers on different platforms in order to remain independent of a specific environment.

  • Increase efficiency in application development
    Learn how portable applications can be deployed and updated faster.

  • Better control over your infrastructure
    Gain more control and understanding of how your containers and applications work in different environments.

Your webinar host: Gergely Szalay

Gergely Szalay is a certified Kubernetes administrator and application developer with many years of DevOps experience. He is an expert in containerization, application management and automation. His focus is on the planning and implementation of Kubernetes clusters. With his strong DevOps mindset and a deep understanding of complex IT infrastructures, he supports teams in implementing innovative solutions and acts as an empathetic interface between different departments.

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