OSAD TechDay: Foreman Developer Day at ATIX

A missed opportunity is like gold turning into brass in your hand (Chinese proverb).

So we seized that opportunity and invited the Foreman developers present at the Open Source Automation Day the following day to join us. The goal was to get back to the basic idea of Open Source and to contribute code to the Foreman project together.

For the few who don’t (yet) know Foreman: Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers and a central component of enterprise system management solutions such as Red Hat Satellite 6 and orcharhino.

That’s why the day after OSAD we developers had to get out of bed early and quickly set up the technology cave so that everything was ready for the big programming session. After the coffee machine, a few drinks and sweets were ready, we were ready to go. Besides Timo, Peter and Evgeni we also welcomed Ewoud, who came from Brno. Together with some members of the ATIX crew we divided into four working groups and started the following projects:

  • Puppet 6 support in Foreman
  • Enable starting of single unit tests with Foreman plugins
  • Replacing mod_passenger with Puma and an Apache Reverse Proxy
  • Fix tests of foreman-ansible modules that failed due to ansible 2.7

At the end of the day we were able to draw a positive balance with Bavarian beer and pizza: With the processed tasks we were able to make some progress and submit some new pull requests or updates to existing ones on GitHub. In addition, we have already developed ideas on how the next steps for these could look like.

Therefore a big thank you to all participants for this productive day! We hope to be able to repeat this event in 2019 🙂

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Bernhard Suttner

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