About atixadmin

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But we are proud to say that atixadmin contributed 73 entries already.

Entries by atixadmin

Tech Blog: How to install a WLAN access point on Fedora

Sometimes you need a configurable access point on your Fedora desktop. This can be done in a few simple steps: WARNING: Now comes a lot of code! 1. Install the required software: yum install hostapd dnsmasq 2. configure your WLAN adapter First, check if your adapter is online: [root@seger~]# iwconfig wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID: off/any […]

Btrfs vs ZFS: The future of file systems

Let’s explore the evolution of file systems: Btrfs vs ZFS.
Btrfs and ZFS are the “next generation” of file systems. But what does the technology offer us and what are the additional benefits? Here you can find out more about the new features of the new generation.