Tag Archive for: automation

orcharhino meets new Windows Templates

Starting with version 5.8 orcharhino comes with new provisioning templates for Windows. Diese erweitern die Vielfalt an Funktionen Ihrer Windows-Deployments beispielsweise um eine Installation in Netzen ohne DHCP und parametrisierten Domain Join.

Open Source Automation Days 2020 – virtual diversity

Originally published by Christian Stankowic on https://cstan.io/?p=12523 2020 is not only the product of a fivefold 404 but also the big year of online conferences. Whileconferences were previously held in particularly conspicuous or unusual locations and invited people to join the physical network, this year online platforms in particular serve as a necessary compromise.

ATIX & the Open Source Community

Originally written for and published on the Foreman Community Blog From its inception, ATIX was conceived as a Linux and open-source company. In this context, we provide our customers with consulting, support, and training for various open source technologies including Foreman, Ansible, Salt, Puppet, Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, and other technologies to automate and run a […]

Foreman Birthday 2020

Foreman Birthday Party – online! For 11 years now, the Foreman project has facilitated the management of large server infrastructures and is a popular open source component among administrators.

GitOps – Kubernetes The Easy Way: Part 1

The management of Kubernetes should be easy, simple and clear. Well-known DevOps practices and ultimately automation should be accessible by the management technique. The first GitOps principle, the declarative approach, is the essential Kubernetes management technique to leverage the desired feature set.