ATIX Webinare

In unseren Webinaren zeigen wir, wie Open-Source-basierte Tools bei der Data-Center-Automatisierung helfen. Dabei stellen wir die Features von verschiedenen Lösungen wie Kubernetes, Puppet und orcharhino vor und geben Tipps zum Handling.

Unsere nächsten Live-Webinare

Dienstag, 10. September 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 Uhr (CEST)

Terraform in Action: Navigating Complex Environments with Multiple Teams

  • Infrastructure as Code: Learn how Terraform automates and documents infrastructure changes, enhancing clarity and control.
  • Collaborative Tools Integration: Discover how Terraform and GitLab together streamline infrastructure provisioning and management across multiple administrators.
Sascha Rauch

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024, 15:00 – 15:30 Uhr

Integrating IT-Security in the DevOps Universe

  • Overview: Discover how DevSecOps bridges the gap between development, operations, and security, promoting unified objectives.
  • Host: Sascha Rauch, a seasoned expert in cloud projects and DevSecOps, will guide you through practical strategies for robust security integration.

Unsere On-Demand Webinare

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Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction

  • Event-Driven Ansible is a new automation approach where tasks are triggered by events like system alerts or changes in infrastructure, allowing for immediate responses without manual intervention.
  • Unravel the theoretical foundations of Event-Driven Ansible alongside a practical demonstration.

Designing self-hosted Kubernetes platforms for enhanced flexibility

  • Through skillful orchestration of system components, a Kubernetes system can be built that completely separates the control plane from the actual cluster and the workloads running there.
  • This system is safer, more scalable, and easier to maintain than a „vanilla“ Kubernetes, while still retaining its flexibility.

Die Kunst der DevOps-Teams: Eine Kultur der Zusammenarbeit und des Erfolgs schaffen

  • Entdecken Sie DevOps-Teammuster und Strategien zu deren Überwindung, um die Teamdynamik und den Projekterfolg zu verbessern.
  • Lernen Sie, wie Sie effektive Teamstrukturen schaffen, die mit den DevOps-Prinzipien übereinstimmen, um die Zusammenarbeit und kulturelle Integration zu verbessern.

Streamline Your Linux Servers: Automation for Patch & Release Management in Data Centers

  • Learn to automate Linux patch and release management across various distributions in data centers, using tools like Ansible and orcharhino for efficiency and stability.
  • Enhance security, maintain system stability, and save valuable time and resources by mastering automation strategies tailored to your Linux server environment.
Michael Morlock Webinar

Einführung in Microservices: Ihr Weg zur modernen Softwarearchitektur

  • Einführung in die Grundlagen und Vorteile von Microservices.
  • Praxisnahe Tipps und Beispiele zur Implementierung.
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