Konfigurationsmanagement über verschiedene Netze mit AWX ATIX blog

Configuration Management across Different Networks with AWX

At the Chemnitz Linux Days 2023, Ottavia Balducci, IT Consultant at ATIX, presented the advantages of AWX. AWX is a tool for configuring hosts with Ansible. It is therefore very popular, especially with larger organizations.. AWX is open source, fully customisable, has a web UI, REST API, RBAC, CI/CD … There are many reasons for working with AWX.

The basic components of AWX include projects. A project is a logical collection of Ansible
playbooks, which is synchronized with a version management tool and from which Job Templates can be derived. Job templates are another basic component and are used for selecting a playbook from the project, setting additional variables, or assigning an inventory. Inventories are another basic component. These are a collection of target hosts (analogous to inventory files) with optional groups, subgroups, and additional variables that are assigned to jobs.

In addition to these basic components, Ottavia Balducci also describes other features of AWX in her presentation that are useful when the hosts you want to configure are located in different networks and cannot all be reached by AWX at the same time. The magic word here is … execution nodes!

You can download the entire presentation and the video stream of the talk.

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