ATIX @ CfgMgmt Camp 2020

Due to our great experiences in the last two years, a delegation of the ATIX crew traveled to the CfgMgmt Camp (Config Management Camp) in Gent this year, too. For ecological reasons, we renounced the plane and drove to Belgium in one car.

On Sunday evening (02.02.2020) we attended the Speakers’ Dinner. Over delicious food and Belgian beer we exchanged views with other speakers.

Monday (03.02.2020) was the first official conference day and in the afternoon two of our colleagues were present in the lecture program. Andy Wirtz presented his practical GitOps experiences and how to use Kubernetes as a configuration management tool. At the same time, our colleague Quirin Pamp explained use cases of Git submodules and what needs to be considered with these.

The second day (04.02.2020) started with an exciting Ignite Talk (limited to 5 minutes and 10 slides) of our colleague Jan Bundesmann about the Change of container platform from docker to CRI-O. In the afternoon our colleagues Dr. Bernhard Hopfenmüller and Dr. Matthias Dellweg explained the advantages of Ansible Molecule More about this also on our blog). Matthias was so ambitious that he gave a second lecture that same afternoon. In this he showed how pulp can be optimally used with Ansible. Pulp is one of the open source projects from the Foreman environment, which are used in our orcharhino and in which Matthias is actively involved. In the evening our crew participated in the Foreman Community Dinner. Over excellent food and delicious Belgian beer, we exchanged information about current community projects with friends and acquaintances of the Foreman project.

On Wednesday (05.02.2020), the last day of the event, there were breakout sessions as usual. In these we deepened our practical experience. Because of the long way home we unfortunately had to leave at noon.

The CfgMgmt Camp 2020 was a great experience for us. We have met many old and new faces, expanded our well-known know-how and gained many new things. We are looking forward to the CfgMgmt Camp 2021!

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