
Ansible ist ein leistungsstarkes Open-Source-Tool zur IT-Automatisierung, das Prozesse vereinfacht und effizienter macht.

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Tag Archive for: Ansible


The Future of Ansible

The introduction of Collections is not the only recent major innovation in Ansible. Until version 2.8, Ansible was offered as one large package. This included a variety of modules developed and maintained by the Ansible community. The introduction of Collections happened as part of the release of version 2.9: a format for easy packaging and distribution of Ansible content. Collections significantly improved the possibilities for extensions as well as maintenance. The current major version is Ansible 3.0.0. ansible-base is not installed with it, but has become a dependency.

Ansible Collections – More clarity and easier sharing in Ansible

Ansible is the fastest-growing configuration management tool these days. This has also created a steadily growing community. Due to the simple architecture and the resulting easy extensibility, more and more companies and private persons provide their roles, modules and playbooks for their products and projects.

Test Ansible roles with Molecule

One of the advantages of the Configuration Management Tool Ansible is the easy-to-read-and-write code in YAML. This includes the possibility to test the code in an easy way.