
pulp_deb past, present, and future – tell us what pulp_deb development should focus on next

The pulp_deb plugin is entering a new phase of the software lifecycle, and we want you to tell us what the plugin development should focus on! We will provide an update on the latest features and how we got here, but the focus will be on where we plan to go next.

In the past, our focus was on feature parity, which was defined by the requirements of Katello. Furthermore, the the migration from python2 to python3 was a priority.

Today, pulp_deb continues to be part of every Katello release, and the orcharhino downstream product uses Katello 4.3, pulpcore 3.16, pulp_deb 2.16.2 in production. Here, one important aspect is test coverage and maintainability.

In future, contributions from the community will play a more significant role, and we will optimize the system’s performance.

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