DevOps Engineers: Between expectations and reality

An article that looks at the misinterpretation of the DevOps Engineer role and its consequences. We shed light on how the true role of a DevOps Engineer as a bridge builder and communicator between teams promotes an open and transparent corporate culture.

Company XYZ is looking for YOU as DevOps Engineer!

The tasks include:

  • Creation of architectural concepts
  • Development of the latest software solutions
  • Operation of the software solutions
  • Developing tests and ensuring optimal performance
  • Implementation of state-of-the-art monitoring frameworks and creation of meaningful dashboards
  • Provision and operation of CI/CD pipelines
  • Design and implementation of the cloud infrastructure
  • Administration of the infrastructure
  • Configuration of cloud services
  • Database design and operation
  • Ensuring compliance with IT security standards in accordance with BSI specifications
  • Planning and execution of audits, at least according to ISO 27001 9001
  • Regular visits to the vet with the office dog #ModernCulture

You are offered:

  • Fruit basket
  • Coffee
  • Playstation table football

DevOps Processes, Tooling and Culture

At ATIX, we understand the importance of speed, security and culture in software development. Together we increase team effectiveness and product quality. More efficient processes and faster time-to-market.


Fast Forward 5 years on the job: You are burnt out, feel empty and without prospects and can no longer perform.

Problems and consequences of misinterpreting the role of the DevOps Engineer

DevOps is not a single job. It is wrong to believe that a DevOps engineer is responsible for everything – from development and operations to automation, monitoring and testing. The result is a workload that is far too heavy. The actual focus of the DevOps engineer is diluted.

DevOps engineers are often faced with an overwhelming amount of tasks that go far beyond what a single person can handle. This not only causes stress and an inevitable decrease in productivity. The constant pressure to master all tasks alone can also lead to frustration and a feeling of helplessness. In the long term, this blocks innovation and creativity, as the DevOps engineer is constantly overloaded with routine tasks. In the worst-case scenario, this can lead to burnout and health consequences.

Unrealistic expectations of the role of a DevOps engineer can therefore have serious consequences. If we do not understand that a DevOps Engineer cannot and should not handle all tasks alone, disappointment will ultimately arise on all sides. In the long term, this means high staff turnover and a loss of knowledge and experience. Actual DevOps Engineer tasks are neglected if there is no clearly defined understanding of the role.

A lack of support does the rest: DevOps Engineers are often expected to solve complex problems without sufficient resources or additional support. We need to invest in sufficient training, tools and team structures to support the work of DevOps Engineers.

By clearly understanding and properly appreciating the role of a DevOps Engineer, we can effectively avoid these negative effects. We must learn to correctly assess the actual skills and responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer and set realistic expectations.

The real DevOps Engineer

A DevOps Engineer is not only characterized by technical skills, but also and above all by the ability to understand and integrate the needs and challenges of different departments. This combination of technical know-how and communication skills leads to a clearer and more meaningful interpretation of the role of the DevOps Engineer. The DevOps Engineer is not the person who does “everything”.

We have to learn to see DevOps Engineers as a bridge between different teams. You take on a communication role and mediate between Development, Operations and other departments. Their tasks are aimed at improving collaboration and recognizing and making visible common goals in different departments. Through DevOps Engineers, everyone ends up pulling in the same direction.

Let culture into the company

DevOps Engineers help to create an environment in which open and transparent exchange is possible and desirable. They are committed to ensuring that everyone involved can express their perspectives and concerns and help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. A modern and appreciative error culture is essential for this. Fail fast fail forward.

Let’s work together to properly understand and appreciate the role of the DevOps Engineer to create a productive and sustainable work environment – for more innovation, less burnout and a better future.

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Sascha Rauch

Sascha hat mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in der Leitung von Cloud-Projekten und der Entwicklung hochverfügbarer Cloud-Architekturen. Er ist Spezialist für DevSecOps und Container-Orchestrierung und unterstützt Unternehmen vor allem beim Aufbau von Clusterlösungen, CI/CD-Ketten und Analyse-Stacks.

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