Christmas donation Team Engineering
Every year, ATIX donates to a charitable cause at Christmas time. For the first time, this will take place at team level in 2023 – the organization to be supported will now be selected per team. Our engineering team was the first to do so and chose the children’s cancer charity. We asked team leader Bernhard Suttner how the choice came about.
Hello Bernhard, so you have decided to make your donation to the children’s cancer charity. Why this organization in particular?
Bernhard: We decided this very democratically in the engineering team. There were four organizations that were suggested in a joint brainstorming session – a nature conservation organization, one on the subject of refugees and migration, one against racism, and the children’s cancer charity.
Why do you think the children’s cancer charity received the most votes?
Bernhard: I believe that doing something good for children is never wrong. Especially not when it involves such sick children. Some of the team have children themselves, and you know how bad it is when they just have a fever. When these innocent beings, who have never done anything wrong in their lives, are so seriously ill, it really is a catastrophe. After all, children are our future and when you imagine that some of them might barely reach their teenage years … you don’t even want to think about it. Especially as cancer at such a tender age can hardly be self-inflicted. A young child, who may not even fully understand what is happening, deserves all the support they can get. It is also an extremely difficult situation for the family and friends.
So you decided to help those affected?
Bernhard: Exactly. We had the option of either donating to research or supporting those affected. It was clear to us that we wanted to do the latter, as we think this is particularly important. The parents of a sick child in particular are going through a very difficult time. That’s why we at Team Engineering are glad that ATIX offers this funding opportunity and are grateful to be able to support the great work of Kinderkrebshilfe.
Thank you very much, Bernhard, for your detailed answers! We wish the Engineering Team a wonderful pre-Christmas period and the Children’s Cancer Aid organization continued success in everything they do!