About ATIX-Crew

Der ATIX-Crew besteht aus Leuten, die in unterschiedlichen Bereichen tätig sind: Consulting, Development/Engineering, Support, Vertrieb und Marketing.

Entries by ATIX-Crew

A somewhat different OSAD

For 4 years now, the Open Source Automation Days have been our highlight of the year. We are very pleased to see that Munich’s largest vendor-independent open source conference has established itself as an integral part of the annual calendar of events. When we organized a three-day event for over 150 participants for the first time in 2019, it pushed our motivation for OSAD 2020 enormously. So we started planning immediately afterward, found a location, and already booked it… But suddenly, Corona was there!

Ansible Collections – More clarity and easier sharing in Ansible

Ansible is the fastest-growing configuration management tool these days. This has also created a steadily growing community. Due to the simple architecture and the resulting easy extensibility, more and more companies and private persons provide their roles, modules and playbooks for their products and projects.

SBOL: Open Source based exchange for biotech enthusiasts

Especially in the current time we experience how important the exchange between scientists is. Almost every day there are new findings that need to be discussed and debated. This applies to the situation in the current pandemic as well as to (biotechnological) research in general.

Test Ansible roles with Molecule

One of the advantages of the Configuration Management Tool Ansible is the easy-to-read-and-write code in YAML. This includes the possibility to test the code in an easy way.

ATIX Crew on Tour: Geocaching and pasta salad by the water

Our trainee Nadja explains: This year’s ATIX excursion took the bus to Lake Starnberg on May 24th, 2019 around midday. Before that, vegetables were diligently chopped up and salads were seasoned in the ATIX kitchen. At 1 p.m. we set off. Head south by coach. Before we left, some colleagues had decided that it would […]

ATIX’s Debian/Ubuntu Erratum Service is now open source!

Improving Debian and Ubuntu support in orcharhino has long been one of the ATIX crew’s central concerns. The introduction of Debian/Ubuntu Errata in orcharhino version 4.0.0 was an important milestone. To use this feature, the Debian/Ubuntu Erratum Service provides regularly updated erratum lists.

The ATIX crew @ Config Management Camp 2019

Following on from the great experience from the previous year, we didn’t miss the opportunity to travel to this year’s Configuration Management Camp (CfgMgmtCamp) in the East Flemish city of Ghent. But this year everything turned out completely differently than planned. Everything? No, not for a small delegation that had decided to travel by train: […]

From the starting block into the fire!

30,000 starters and the ATIX right in the middle… in the rain. There was a lot going on at this year’s B2Run Munich: loud drumming, “lively” veal sausages, runners in Mario Karts (no joke), food, even louder music, drinking, great atmosphere in the bright sunshine – everything was great.