Ansible Trainings

In recent years, Ansible has been gaining popularity as an open-source tool for the orchestration, configuration, and administration of data centers. Starting work with Ansible is easy, but you need a certain amount of knowledge to fully benefit from all functions and to tailor them to your own needs.

Our Ansible trainings are ideal for anyone who wants to get started with Ansible or already has some experience.

  • Ansible Fundamentals is intended for participants who have little or no experience with Ansible.
  • Ansible Advanced is aimed at people who already have basic Ansible skills. After completing the training, participants will be able to use Ansible productively by themselves.

More information about the trainings:

Ansible Fundamentals


Participants will learn basic Ansible concepts and best practices for managing infrastructures.

This training includes an additional day for the trainer to address individual questions and needs of the participants.

This means that all participants have the opportunity to discuss situations from their personal everyday work.


  • Linux and Terminal basics (creating and managing files and folders)
  • Experience in working with a terminal editor, such as vi(m), nano, or emacs
  • Basic understanding of SSH


  • YAML
  • Inventories
  • Ad hoc commands
  • Ansible Playbooks
  • Ansible-vault
  • Roles
  • Zero-downtime deployment
  • Ansible debugging
  • Discussion of individual topics


€ 1,890 plus VAT (per participant)

Our trainings take place online.


Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024 to Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 (SOLD OUT)

Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 to Thursday, Jun 6, 2024 (SOLD OUT)

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 to Thursday, Nov 14, 2024

Note: We reserve the right to cancel/postpone the training up to two weeks before the date if the minimum number of participants is not reached.


Ansible Advanced


For all advanced users, the Ansible Advanced Training opens up new ways to think outside the box.

A core element is the creation of filters and modules.

Additionally, participants will learn how to use Molecule and the Ansible Role Test Framework.

Of course, all participants are welcome to present their own topics for discussion with our expert!


This training is aimed at anyone who has basic Ansible skills, for example by completing Ansible Fundamentals, and would like to broaden them.


  • Dynamic inventories
  • Testing with Ansible Molecule
  • Creating filters
  • Developing modules
  • Building an Ansible Collection


€ 690 plus VAT (per participant)

Our trainings take place online.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (SOLD OUT)

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024

Note: We reserve the right to cancel/postpone the training up to two weeks before the date if the minimum number of participants is not reached.



Dr. Ottavia Balducci
IT Consultant

Detailed profile

Ottavia is our power woman in the DevOps department and trainer at ATIX. As a consultant, she specializes in Ansible and advises our clients individually on their projects.

Our customers benefit from their expertise in Ansible Automation Platform, which can be used to automate and manage processes at the organizational level. By means of creative examples and clear presentations, she teaches the application of Ansible with a playful ease for both beginners and advanced users.

Dr. Jan Bundesmann

Dr. Jan Bundesmann
Senior IT Consultant

Detailed profile

As ATIX Senior orcharhino QA Engineer and Trainer, Jan draws on over a decade of experience in Linux administration in the data center. Our customers and course participants benefit from his in-depth knowledge, which he adapts to the customer’s requirements in an agile manner during training and consultations. He also shares his extensive knowledge with the public and the open source community in various magazines and on online blogs.

What our participants say

“Very good practical examples and every question from the participants was answered competently.”

Sascha Ehmke Bundespolizei

Atux kontakt

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If you have any questions about our products and services or any other topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.