
Ubuntu is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution. Especially on the client side, it has received a lot of attention due to the comparatively simple Installation and operation and is therefore particularly popular with Linux beginners. In addition to RHEL and SUSE, Ubuntu is the third major representative of Linux-based operating systems in the corporate environment and has the advantage of a huge package selection compared to the first two.


  • Large variety of packages similar to Debian GNU/Linux
  • Official support for LXC/LXD for operating system-level virtualization
  • Support for Zettabyte File System (ZFS)
  • Provision of Mandatory Access Control (MAC) with AppArmor security software
  • Choice between releases with long-term support of up to 5 years and those with shorter but more up-to-date package
  • In addition to x86 and x86_64 also running on ARM architectures
  • Delivery with some Dell Systems (for example Dell Precision)
  • Managing Ubuntu Systems Guide

How Do We Support You?

  • Plan and implement Ubuntu installations
  • Customize solutions for the specific requirements of your infrastructure
  • Help and advice for your existing infrastructure
  • Configure Ubuntu deployments using Ansible, Puppet, or Salt
  • Automatically provision hosts running Ubuntu using orcharhino
  • Providing security errata for Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04
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Contact ATIX

If you have any questions about our products and services or any other topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.