About Sascha Rauch

Sascha hat mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in der Leitung von Cloud-Projekten und der Entwicklung hochverfügbarer Cloud-Architekturen. Er ist Spezialist für DevSecOps und Container-Orchestrierung und unterstützt Unternehmen vor allem beim Aufbau von Clusterlösungen, CI/CD-Ketten und Analyse-Stacks.

Entries by Sascha Rauch

DevOps Engineers: Between expectations and reality

An article that looks at the misinterpretation of the DevOps Engineer role and its consequences. We shed light on how the true role of a DevOps Engineer as a bridge builder and communicator between teams promotes an open and transparent corporate culture.

Trace All the Things

When people plan infrastructures and architectures, they usually pay a lot of attention to logging and monitoring right from the start. The idea of tracing is often neglected until the first inexplicable problem occurs. It is my mission to prevent this.